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Computer Network

What is a Network?

A network is a connection between terminals, computers, servers, and components which allows for the easy flow of data and use of resources between one another.
Different networks that we come across in our day to day life are telephone network, cable T.V network, transport network of a city etc.

Understanding the Concept of Networking

The idea of networking has been around for a long time and has taken on many meanings. If you were to look up "network" in your dictionary, you might find any of the following definitions:
  • An openwork fabric; netting
  • A system of interlacing lines, tracks, or channels
  • Any interconnected system; for example, a television-broadcasting network
  • A system in which a number of independent computers are linked together to
    share data and peripherals, such as hard disks and printers
Obviously, the last definition is the one we are concerned with in this course. The key word in the definition is "share."

Sharing is the purpose of computer networking. The ability to share information efficiently is what gives computer networking its power and its appeal.

And when it comes to sharing information, human beings are in many ways similar to
computers. Just as computers are little more than collections of the information they have been given, so we are, in large part, collections of our experiences and the information given to us. When we want to expand our knowledge, we broaden our experience and gather more information.

Another way to think of networking is to envision a network as a team. This might be a sports team, such as a football team, or a project team, such as the one that created this training course. Through the efforts of all involved the sharing of time, talent, and resources a goal is accomplished or a project is completed.


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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