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A worldwide, online netwok that links computer by means of that links computer by means of the TCP/IP (transmission control panel/Internet protocol).

Uses Of Internet

chat room

Activity allowing two or more Internet users to converse in writing in real time.


Service by which messages are exchanged between users of a computer network.

online game

Video game accessible over the Internet; users can play solo or with multiple players at a distance.

home user

Anyone can access the Internet from home through an Internet service provider (ISP).

educational institution

The Internet provides teachers, researchers and students with countless opportunities to research and exchange information.

government organization

The Internet has made it easy for government departments and agencies to communicate with other organizations and with the citizens they serve.

commercial concern

A company that specializes in product marketing can use the Internet to contact suppliers and customers.


Locating information on a given topic in the hope of finding something useful; it is usually done with the help of a search engine.


Sale or promotion of products and services over the Internet.

health organization

The Internet fosters exchanges between researchers, health professionals and patients.

cultural organization

The Internet allows the public to learn about programs offered by cultural organizations in a city or region.


The Internet allows a manufacturer to communicate with its suppliers, customers and regulatory bodies.


The Internet facilitates exchanges between employees within the same company and between the company and its customers and suppliers.


Group of data related to the same topic that is arranged in order and available for direct consultation by several users.

information spreading

Transmission of information about an organization, an event, a product or a topic, usually by creating or updating a Web site.

business transactions

Operations involving financing and funds management (e.g., arranging a loan or transferring funds) over the Internet.


Computer that hosts various resources (including files, applications and databases) and places them at the disposal of all the devices connected to the network.


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